Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Periodical/Journal Articles

On the Trail of Paul Bunyan

Edmonds, M. (2008). On the Trail of Paul Bunyan. Wisconsin Magazine Of History, 91(4), 2-15.

Published quarterly by the Wisconsin Historical Society, the Wisconsin Magazine of History is a reliable source of information about the state’s people, landmarks, culture, and local legends, such as Paul Bunyan. This article, “On the Trail of Paul Bunyan”, is rich with vibrant depictions of Paul Bunyan and the people who first wrote about him many years ago. Details of oral folklore are explained as well as how media, such as advertising, was used to transmit the story years later for newer generations. Students will close read the article and take notes about how legends are used in everyday life (movies, modern novels such as Holes, etc). Students will complete graphic organizers relating this article back to the children’s book about Paul Bunyan they have previously read. They will also use the article as another example in what to include in the folktale they will be writing and illustrating throughout the unit.

Holes Film Review

Scott, A. (2003, April 8). Holes (2003) FILM REVIEW; Not Just for Children, a Suspenseful Allegory of Greed, Fate and Racism. The New York Times. Retrieved October 16, 2014, from http://www.nytimes.com/movie/review?res=9B0CEFD7163AF93BA25757C0A9659C8B63

This is a NewYork Times movie review of the film “Holes”, an adaptation of the book Holes by Louis Sachar. It gives background information about the novel’s author, who wrote the film’s screenplay, as well as a detailed summary of the movie and it’s infamy among children. Though it is a more advanced piece of text for many average readers in the class, the students will use a movie review graphic organizer to dissect parts of the review (identifying the 5 W’s, summary of movie, opinion, etc). By the end of the unit, students will have watched the entire movie and will use this review as an example on how to write their own movie review, focusing on how it is similar or dissimilar from the original text.

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